Compliance to the international standards
such as QMS and ISMS.
QMS(Quality Management System)
Acquired ISO/IEC 9001 certification
ARGO GRAPHICS is ISO9001 compliant company, guaranteeing the service quality and acting to enhance the quality to the next level through our daily activities.
Quality Policy
As the trusted Technical Solution Provider, ARGO GRAPHICS acts objectively, realizing our customers' innovation through our passion and professional technical skill and contributes to our customers' growth and prosperity.
- ●All the company members take the top priority on our customer satisfaction.
- ●All the company members always consider their role and take their responsibility.
- ●All the company divisions set their service quality target and aim at realizing them.
- ●Products and services are provided to the customer following their requirements and social rules.
- ●Quality policy and Quality Management Systems are continuously maintained and take the best course.
ISO 9001:2015 = JIS Q 9001:2015
Registration Number
Applied Location
Tokyo head office, Central Japan Division,
West Japan Division, Utsunomiya Office

ISMS(Information Security Management System)
Acquired ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification
ARGO GRAPHICS is ISO27001 compliant company, guaranteeing appropriate management of information and gaining confidence of our customers.
Security Policy
ARGO GRAPHICS endeavors to protect information property from all threats while we recognize the importance of information security and to act in compliance with the relevant laws as a company treating a customer's important management information and product information which were acquired through the Technical Solution Provider business. In order to implement this as a corporate-wide system, we establish the Information Security Management System, and for continuous deployment of an information security, we install the information security committee while we decide an information security care-and-custody person.
Information security statement of principles
- 1. We observe "regulation about informational outflow prevention" and "privacy policy" of our company.
- 2. We observe related laws, such as "Act concerning Protection of Personal Information"
- 3. We discriminate and evaluate a threat and brittleness and raise the safety and the reliability of the network for business.
- 4. We perform proper access control and prevent an alteration and disclosure of enterprise property and customer information.
- 5. We raise the availability of the system, such as preventing computer virus infection and a system trouble beforehand.
- 6. We determine, maintain and evaluate an enterprise continuation plan, for the case of emergency, such as a large-scale calamity and a serious accident.
- 7. We carry out education and training of an information security to employees.
- 8. Our employees observe and follow this information security statement of principles and ISMS manual, regulation, and standards.
When an employee breaks it, we consider the person as being deserved as the disposal including castigation. - ARGO GRAPHICS Inc.
President & COO
Muneshi Ozaki
JIS Q 27001:2023(ISO/IEC 27001:2022)
Registration Number
Applied Location
Head Office, West Japan Division, Central Japan Division, Utsunomiya Office, Miyagi Office, Shizuoka Office, North Kanto Branch, Hiroshima Branch, Kariya Branch
Registration Range
Next business related to the Technical Solution Provider business.
- 1. CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM software sales, maintenance and development
- 2. Consultation, development, technical support and training service related to PLM
- 3. HPC System sales, implementation and maintenance
- 4. Sales and maintenance of Server, Storage and overseas hardware and software products
- 5. Ordering, product receipt, inspection, presetting and shipping operations incidental to the above.